Above us we see a picture of a young boy looking at a bowl of sweets longingly. It is painted with pink line on black. I chose pink because it gives a lighthearted take to something that could be an issue for a lot of people. It is painted on black to show the gravitas of some of the issues. Black to me also symbolizes wisdom. Self control is a form of wisdom.
Issues with self control come up in many areas.
Maybe we have a lose tounge and can’t control our speech muscles not to say that very thing that will get us into trouble and that we may regret later.
Maybe we have difficulty managing to regulate our emotions when we are anxious and intensity builds up to a crescendo in our heads and we can not focus or stay the course on some project or task we are doing.
Maybe it is just plain overeating or some form of comfort where we can not resist whatever the temptation maybe.
Self control can also show up in business where we need to resist divulging information until the time is right to do so.
Whatever the issue there are two standard responses. A) learn to self manage in the moment and b) deal with the cause and not the symptom.
A) Learning to self manage is not only for people with mental health problems but for all of us in this day and age. I little CBT goes a long way in self regulation of our thoughts and then our emotions follow on and we are able to cope with the stresses of daily living
B) Dealing with the symptom means going to the core seed of what caused it. This is dealt with in shadow work where the actual message we are living by that is causing our behavior and feelings and thoughts is deconstructed and we reconstruct a new more healthy outlook.
Both of these methods take time to work on, but are worth it. If you would like to work on any of these issues with me please contact joeyfeely@gmail.com.