About Joey
I am a person who believes in love. My spiritual background is in Christianity although I have explored Buddhism to some degree also. I hold an inclusive and integral view where people of all religions and none are welcome to explore spirituality with me.
My own worldview is integral. By this I mean that I see all perspectives as true but partial and life as a developmental unfolding. Throughout life I have walked with people from diverse backgrounds, from people within the Irish travelling community to millionaires and all strata in between. I have walked with people from multiple religious backgrounds, from Christianity to Buddhism to Shamanism and more. I have walked with people from different political outlooks from conservative, to liberal to progressive. I have also walked with people who are at different stages in their life course, from adolescents transitioning into adulthood, to young adults in the workforce, to early married couples, to those of middle age and those entering into elderhood.
My approach is to offer spiritual friendship to the best of my ability. Between 2012 and 2014 I formalized this spiritual companionship by completing a masters in Applied Spirituality and a Diploma in Spiritual Guidance. If you would like to explore walking with me in a formal spiritual capacity please contact me at joeyfeely@gmail.com.