Joe Dunne RHA Green shoot
In this picture we see curving bands of yellow and grey symetrically framing a green slip of colour. The title of the paining is green shoot. Although it is abstract the title gives in a reference point with which we can work .
So what are the green shoots in my life? Are their more than one emerging or is there one primary shoot that is emerging in my life? By green shoot I mean area of my life that is growing and developing and emerging. Maybe there is something new emerging in my life or maybe there is something old that is somehow bearing new growth once again.
Maybe I feel lost and there is no green shoots in my life? Maybe I feel like I’m stuck and that there is no new growth happening for me. Maybe I feel like I’ve stopped growing?
What does the yellow and grey curving lines around the green shoot symbolize for me?
They look very secure? They look like they are protecting the green shoot. Is my green shoot well protected or is it exposed to the harshness of life? How can I protect my green shoot? How can I cultivate it? Can I give it time?
The yellow seems light and the grey seems dull. I wonder who / what are the light people / elements in my life that support my green shoot and who / what are the dull people / elements that may cast a shadow over my green shoot? Do the dull people or elements have something to say? Can I learn from the grey aspects of my life as much as from the light filled yellow aspects of my life? Maybe too much exposure to the light might dry up my green shoot? Or maybe too much shade might cause it to wither?
The yellow and the grey in the painting seem to be balanced in equal measure. They look like bars. They could be bars of a cage or bars of a prison. How do I hold my green shoot. Is it in a prision or in a cage? Is it safe there? Or would it be better if it was let out?
Where would I like to plant my green shoot? Green shoots are tender and need protection and attention and cultivation. How can I cultivate my green shoot? What are the right conditions for it to grow? What soil does it need? What warmth? What nutrients? What light conditions? What shade conditions?
If you have a green shoot in your life that you wish to cultivate and are interested in exploring with me contact me at joeyfeely@gmail.com.